Monthly Archives: September 2016

Could Duterte’s Comments Be a Threat to Peace in Southeast Asia?

Duterte has picked fights with Obama and with the EU. His behaviour is shaking the US-Philippine alliance and stability in Southeast Asia. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte speaks during a news conference in Davao after Norwegian national Kjartan Sekkingstad was freed from the al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf Islamist militant group in Jolo, Sulu in southern Philippines […]

China’s Nine-Dash Line and its Misplaced National Pride

Managing Director of Risk Cooperative / Co-author of “Global Risk Agility and Decision Making”. Even after The Hague decision, China’s government continues to vociferously argue that its ‘nine-dash line’ of sovereignty over the entire South China Sea is based on centuries of maritime history, and that China’s claim is air tight. In a letter to […]

China to fly drones over South China Sea

BEIJING: China is capable of flying drones over the disputed South China Sea to keep a watch over the contested waters spread over 3.5 million square km. These indigenous drones will hover over the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea claimed by both China and Japan, an official said. “Many of the islands and […]

Submarine sanctuary: Why China is so determined to establish dominance over the South China Sea

President Barack Obama’s final address to the UN General Assembly featured a pointed swipe at Beijing’s aggressive moves to militarise “a few rocks and reefs” in the South China Sea. “A peaceful resolution of disputes offered by law will mean far greater stability,” he said. Indeed, installing airstrips and missiles on reclaimed land would represent […]

Barack Obama’s pivot to Asia in tatters

Rodrigo Duterte has described any criticism from the US as a violation of Philippine sovereignty. To assert Philippine independence from the US, Duterte has openly suggested sourcing military hardware from Russia and China, writes Heydarian [Reuters]To assert Philippine independence from the US, Duterte has openly suggested sourcing military hardware from Russia and China, writes “No, […]

Japan and China’s maritime tensions in the South China Sea are resurfacing World War II-era wounds

Last month, Japan’s defense ministry requested a record budget of about $51 billion for fiscal 2017. At the top of its security worries: China’s maritime aggression. Japan has reason to worry. In both the East China Sea and South China Sea, Tokyo faces an increasingly assertive China that looks determined to become an unfettered maritime […]

A ham-fisted hegemon

IT IS already being described as the moment when America’s “pivot” to Asia was seen to have gone awry. Not the shock when Rodrigo Duterte, the new president of the Philippines, an American ally, caused titters by calling Barack Obama the “son of a whore”—but when he called a few days later for an end […]