Experts find new solutions to South China Sea dispute


With prevailing international legal measures producing stalemate and tension in the South China Sea (SCS), ASEAN and Indonesian experts are looking for innovative solutions to reach stable peace in the disputed waters.

Many regional and global options were discussed during the 2nd High Level International Workshop on Thursday, but particular attention was given to a proposal by Donald Rothwell, head of the Law School at the Australian National University and an expert on international maritime law, who suggested the formation of a new SCS commission.

This was seen as the most promising solution because all claimant states, particularly China, are more likely to respect the authority of an intergovernmental body that is not based at The Hague.

“The main criticisms emanating from this region is that current international law reflects a Eurocentric approach,” Rothwell said.

By setting up a new institution in the East, he said China would be more open to changing its view that external tribunals “lacked jurisdiction” — outlined in its December 2014 Position Paper and in its response to the Annex VII ruling in July.
