The twenty-third Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea will be held at Headquarters from 10 to 14 June.
Often referred to as “the constitution for the oceans”, the landmark Convention was adopted on 10 December 1982 and entered into force on 16 November 1994. Its 320 articles and nine annexes govern all aspects of ocean space and maritime issues, from navigational rights, maritime limits and marine scientific research to resource management, marine environment protection and dispute settlement.
The three bodies established by the Convention are the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (, the International Seabed Authority ( and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (
During the upcoming Meeting, States parties will consider the report of the Tribunal, budgetary matters of the Tribunal as well as information reported by the Secretary-General of the Authority and the Chairman of the Commission. The Meeting will also consider the report of the Secretary-General (document A/67/79/Add.1 and A/67/79/Add.2) under article 319 for the information of States parties on issues of a general nature, relevant to States parties, which have arisen with respect to the Convention. The provisional agenda of the twenty-third Meeting is contained in document SPLOS/L.72.
For further information on the Meeting, including relevant documents, please see the website of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs: